Whenever you go for booking a car you will need a credit card. Hire companies would require you to submit the credit card before taking the luxury rental car home. There have different reasons why they insist the visitors to bring a credit card that contains the signature of the renter. Credit cards holding name and signature of your friends or relatives would not be accepted by the hire company.
You may take a debit card with you while going on a long trip. But it does not work to book a car. Hire companies can’t process the advance charge approval through the debit card. So, you must have a credit card with you.
Hire companies keep the credit cards as a security deposit against the hired car. If your rental vehicle meets with an accident or receives serious damages then they would deduct the loss or damage charges from it. But prior to the deduction they seek consent of the renter for advance charge approval. Also, they check for the room on your credit card. After obtaining the room on your card they process advance charge approvals. If you return vehicle completely unhurt they would not deduct a single penny without your rental car fee.
Credit cards can bring you an attractive discount on rental cars. Usually, rental cars are available at unbeatable prices. You can hire an elegant car in Malta with a credit card and can enjoy its benefits. So, hire companies need you to have a rental car in the name of the renter when you book for it.